As one of the leading space related research companies AAC is constantly involved in research projects working on future developments with our partners from ESA and the space industry
AAC has long heritage in research in space. Since 1989 AAC works for ESA and space industry on different levels: from direct contracts, ESA funded projects (within Technology Development Element [TDE], General Support Technology Programme [GSTP], …) but also public funded projects (nationally in Austria or EU).
AAC tasks may cover the testing campaigns from initial material testing up to testing of components (breadboard [BB]/engineering model [EM]/qualification model [QM]/…) combined with validation of performance and recommendations for improvements.
On top of and combined with technical work, AAC may offer also the coordination of projects including writing proposal towards ESA calls (invitation to tender [ITTs]) or public calls (FFG, EU). AAC here also offers to bring together “producers” with “end users”, to run such developments with proper targets towards first applications.
The following approaches are pursued by Aerospace & Advanced Composites Gmbh:
- “space effects on materials” are investigated having in mind the test activities offered by AAC. This is to understand the response of materials in space and to create the basis for development (improvement of existing materials or development of new materials).
- Secondly, understanding such effects is needed to develop appropriate test methods and devices. To be able to characterise existing material for their compatibility and to run developments of new materials and components efficiently.