Space Tribology
Friction, Wear, Coldwelding, Electro-tribology
Tribology in space differs strongly from tribology on earth. Already vacuum itself rules out most solutions used on ground: lubricants evaporate, materials degrade (polymers) or are not corrosion resistant (nitriding steels), most common metallic alloys are subject to strong adhesive wear or cold welding under vibrations, many coatings exhibit much higher friction (e.g. DLC). Hence, selection of material and lubricants in tribological contacts cannot be extrapolated from terrestrial approaches.
AAC assist you in the development of your mechanism. Based on our experience and data, like e.g. the cold welding data base, we can assist at early stages of your project in the selection of materials, surface treatments as well as on appropriate concept for your lubrication.
Starting with jointly analysis of the tribosystem, candidate solutions will be elaborated and proposed. The most promising candidates can be rated by testing in our facilities (Tribological tests.)