Welche Methoden verwendet AAC bei der Schadensanalyse?

Von |2024-06-20T16:34:48+02:0020. Juni 2024|

AAC employs a variety of methods in failure analysis, including visual inspection, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), metallographic examinations, mechanical testing, and chemical analysis. These methods help in thoroughly examining [...]

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Was ist Materialentwicklung?

Von |2024-06-20T16:33:34+02:0020. Juni 2024|

Material development refers to the process of researching, designing, and optimizing new materials with improved properties. This can include the development of materials that are lighter, stronger, more heat-resistant, [...]

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Welche Rolle spielt AAC bei der Materialentwicklung?

Von |2024-06-20T16:32:57+02:0020. Juni 2024|

AAC offers comprehensive services in material development, including the research and development of new materials, characterization and testing of material properties, and support in industrial application implementation. AAC works [...]

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Wie unterstützt AAC die Materialentwicklung in der Industrie?

Von |2024-06-20T16:32:25+02:0020. Juni 2024|

AAC supports material development in the industry by providing expertise in material characterization, conducting mechanical and thermal tests, and utilizing advanced simulation tools. These services help evaluate and improve [...]

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